FLUVIALE 3 (Riflessi / Reflections) | 2010

Daniel K. Brown and Johann Nortje in collaboration with Kristin Jones
Music by David Monacchi
Exhibition: Previewed in the Italy Pavilion on the final day of the 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale
Location: Italy Pavilion, Venice, Italy
Date:  21 November 2010
Media: Digital Animation | 0:10:30:00, 25.00 fps, 1280 x 720

A river composed entirely of flowing text reflected in both Italian and English, flows across the facades along the Rio del’Arsenale near the entry to the Venice Biennale.  One line is readable upon the wall, while the translation appears upside down and readable as a reflection in the canal.  Reflections of words, reflections of cultures, reflections of our duty to the next generation.

The word FLUVIALE (‘river-like’) is interpreted into 3 movements:

1.Corsi / Passages
FLUVIALE begins with the river challenging the architecture, cleansing the architecture and reawakening history, an ending that proclaims a new beginning.

2. Genesi / Genesis
FLUVIALE continues with the genesis of the river from the pure waters of the rains.  Fluviale integrates the four basic elements of nature as if stone, water, fire and air have merged into one river of flowing fire-light.

3. Riflessi / Reflections
FLUVIALE ends as a river composed entirely of flowing text reflected in both Italian and English. One line is readable upon the wall, while the translation appears upside down and readable as a reflection in the canal.

The flowing texts for the animation read as follows:

The genesis of all rivers is rain – water in its purest form.
Rivers begin with single pure droplets.
Raindrops transform into cascading rivulets.
Rivulets form eddies.
Water and light merge into one.
Eddies flow and build into fluid Reflections.
Reflections upon the importance of our world’s waters.
Reflections upon our sacred duty to honor our waterways.
Reflections upon our obligation to rejuvenate our waterways for the sake of coming generations.
Reflections of the Future.
The architecture of Venice is one with its waterways.
The waterways of Venice are one with the waterways of the world.
The duty is clear.
Reflections of the Future.
Technical-Drawing-Hand-1024x744Technical Studies for FLUVIALE

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